Saturday, March 22, 2008

“It’s 3 A.M.” Girl Says No to Fear Baiting Clinton Ad

She was interviewed a week or two ago. I saw it here. Teenaged Casey Knowles was filmed for some stock footage 8 years ago. She was the young girl sleeping peacefully in her room while the phone was ringing ominously. The Clinton campaign purchased that footage to be included in their now-infamous “It’s 3 A.M.” television ad that some say turned the tide for Hillary Clinton in Texas.

Interestingly, young Casey would have been blissfully ignorant of the ad, because while she lives in Washington, the ad played only in television spots in Texas and Ohio. Would have been, had it not been for Jon Stewart’s airing of a parody of the ad on his nightly cable television show “The Daily Show”. Then she saw it and immediately realized the irony that her image was being used in a fear mongering television ad, mainly because in the Washington caucuses, young Casey was a precinct captain for the Barack Obama campaign.

She also says that she is trying to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in August.

In an earlier interview, I saw that one, too, she joked about how maybe she and Obama could do an ad together, but the Obama campaign wasn’t joking when they called her to arrange a video spot for her.

And here it is. Released a couple of days ago on You Tube.

A lot of people are going to laugh this one off as an unfortunate or even a comical coincidence.

I think it’s a sign.

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