Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Did all of that just happen? Or was it my worst nightmare?

I dreamed that I went to a Democratic Party meeting in Texas last night. It can only a dream, however, because my memory of the dream, bordering on nightmare, makes me cringe here today, this morning.

I do distinctly remember getting a call yesterday from a friend telling me about a party meeting to be held that night, and I do distinctly remember telling someone that I was planning to go, but I must have fallen asleep in front of the TV instead of getting into my car and driving to the meeting.

How else do I explain these vivid dreams?

I must have been watching that movie that my daughter told me about and urged me to watch. We viewed it together a couple of times. That must be it.

How else to explain away the fact that I thought I attended a meeting with an agenda that could fit on half of a standard 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper (were it not for the double and triple spacing), but that lasted for nearly three and a half hours? How else to explain the utter chaos that was allowed to pervade through the room? A chaos that can only be traced back to leadership that cannot lead? Organization that cannot organize?

How else?

Really and truly, if the Democratic Party is actually to awaken in Texas there must be an uplifting. An uplifting in spirit. An uplifting in a sense of right and justice. An uplifting in a common sense of urgency if the cause of the Democratic Party should fail. An uplifting in the sure and certain knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order.

The blame must be shared, however, for any meeting that dissembles into chaos. Participants need to be educated in the process, take the time to know what they are about, what the rules are and what they are not. Part of my nightmare of this chaos must have, as a cause, the indifference of the clueless. This must be addressed because the people are starting to get interested in the process again, and the people must take responsibility to educate themselves in this process.

Otherwise all that will happen is a continuation of the status quo: Republican rule of Fort Bend County for now and into the future. My nightmare is that we have this tremendous opportunity as America awakens from its drugged Republican sleep, an opportunity to rise up and wrest the controls away from the forces of greed, malice and cronyism. Only to find that our leadership is so self-occupied in delirious self-satisfaction that their house of cards, so jealously guarded, remain intact, only to find that this house of cards is nothing but that.

I had that nightmare, and then I woke up this morning wondering if it all was really a dream or not. The scenes keep running through my mind, and it’s as if all I can recall are scenes like this:

Did all of that just happen? Or was it my worst nightmare?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"My nightmare is that we have this tremendous opportunity as America awakens from its drugged Republican sleep, an opportunity to rise up and wrest the controls away from the forces of greed, malice and cronyism. Only to find that our leadership is so self-occupied in delirious self-satisfaction that their house of cards, so jealously guarded, remain intact, only to find that this house of cards is nothing but that."

Wake-up and discard your party then Hal. Nothing wrong with being independent or in a 3rd, 4th or 5th party. More competition is better, not worse. Harder for the crony boys to dominate. I find it funny that you have bought into this farse (or that any grown thinking person) has bought into this easily manipulated process of a two party system for so long. Democracy, don't make me laugh!