Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New Hampshire Governor Signs Gay Marriage Bill

Just a few minutes ago it went up on the wire services that New Hampshire will become the 6th state to allow gays to marry within the state’s borders.

The bill, first passing in the senate, then narrowly in the state house, was signed into law by New Hampshire Governor John Lynch this afternoon. He previously threatened to veto the bill unless it was amended so that churches could not be forced to officiate at a gay marriage because of their opposition to it.

A moot point, really. Who on Earth would want to get married in a church that viewed you as an abomination before God?

This follows on from the lead of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont and Iowa who have all become safe zones for gay marriage in the United States.

I think the quote of the day goes to State Rep. Anthony DiFruscia, R-Windham, who in the hour-long debate very beautifully explained why this bill must pass.

As found in the Washington Post:

“If you have no choice as to your sex, male or female; if you have no choice as to your color; if you have no choice as to your sexual orientation; then you have to be protected and given the same opportunity for life, liberty and happiness.”

People, gay people are not gay by choice. They are gay at birth. If you don’t believe that then you are going to have to accept the fact that there are people out there who choose a sexual orientation that is immediately disadvantageous to them in almost every aspect of their lives as they interact with society.

People are killed, fired, not hired, snubbed, beaten, and ostracized all because of their un-Christian “sexual preference.”

Yeah, that happens every day.

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