Monday, August 10, 2009


This is what passes for democracy in America today. Disgusting, isn’t it?


Anonymous said...

No, what is disgusting is watching both sides point the fingers at the other bad guys while feeding their own special interests on the backs of foreign loans and future taxes. Nothing like corporate welfare and I'm willing to bet some of the biggest companies are behind the move towards single payer, so they can pass the buck once again to the middle class being squeezed by both major tax supported parties (players).

Hal said...

Now that makes absolutely no sense at all, Anon. The only people pushing single payer are we neo-fascist liberals.

Anonymous said...

These people are nuts. They're going after their representatives like a Secretary of State going after a student in the Congo. Don't they have any manners?

Anonymous said...

May Sheila Jackson Lee has the best approach...

Just ignore the yelling and screaming and have a conversation on your cell phone.