Saturday, May 18, 2013

America’s Love Affair With Guns (and Death)

Americans love their guns.
American gun nutjobs claim that it is their constitutional right to keep and bear arms despite the fact that this is the only conditional right to be found in the Constitution.
No one, not even the framers, ever meant for Americans to keep and bear arms so that three- year olds could shoot themselves in the face with their meth addict grandma’s gun. No one, not even the framers, ever meant for American women to shoot themselves with military assault rifles as they hand them over to their husbands. No one, not even the framers, ever meant for Americans to keep and bear arms so that crackers in southern Kentucky could buy a real rifle for a four-year old, who then takes it and shoots his two-year old sister.
They meant that the 2nd Amendment was necessary for the nation’s defense because the fledgling country was not rich enough to arm and equip a militia let alone a standing army.
Clearly the 2nd Amendment has outlived its usefulness and is now doing real damage to the country. Now is the time to consider whether the nation would be better off banning the sale and ownership of all firearms, consider a full government buyback program, and a stiff sentence for anyone who keeps a gun because their sole intent in doing so is to do harm to others.
And the real tragedy of this logical approach to a gun safe America is that it will happen when pigs have wings.

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