Wednesday, September 25, 2013

That Sam I Am...

So I hope all Texans who voted for him watched Ted "Carnival" Cruz orate from the well of the United States Senate yesterday.
Lots and lots of people are talking today about how he, during prime time, opened a little skinny children's book written by Theodore Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) and read the entirety of his famous and delightful story, "Green Eggs and Ham."
I used to read it to my children at bedtime. I did it better than Cruz. I used voices.
Ted Cruz read "Green Eggs and Ham" to an empty chamber, and in the video I watched today, he feigned a full room as he talked, looking left, right and into the camera.
But in all the commentary, I have failed to see the most obvious truth about this story. The truth is, all you have to do is substitute the word "Obamacare" for "Green Eggs and Ham" and you have the story of the past, present and future of Obamacare vis-à-vis the American public.
Republicans just cannot stand Obamacare. Cannot. They would not have Obamacare in a house, and they would not have Obamacare with a mouse. They would not have Obamacare here nor there.
They would not have Obamacare anywhere.
And then, in the future, and maybe just to get all of us "Libtards" to shut up, they may just try some Obamacare.
Try it, try it, you will see.
Because when they try it, they are going to like it.
Ted Cruz couldn't have picked a better children's bedtime story than "Green Eggs and Ham" to illustrate the point that we have been making.
Try it. If you like Medicare, and you do, you're gonna love yourself some Obamacare.
 UPDATE: OK, all I have come across this evening is how Cruz is doing a Teddy Geisel. Fine. Think like me. It's the sincerest form of flattery, don't ya know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that Ted Cruz is considering running for president even though he isn't a natural-born citizen. God help us. Amen.