Nope, Talton is in. He’s become a thorn in the side of Tom Craddick and has worn out his welcome in the Republican-dominated Texas House. Republicans view Nick Lampson as vulnerable. And this is mainly because Democrats have the same view. Witness the fact that the DCCC already has Nick’s name on their short list to send additional money, men and material to his campaign in 2008 – a Democratic “surge” if you will.
What I like about Bob Talton opposing Nick Lampson in 2008 is that HD 144 is not like CD 22. In 2006 Talton won over his Democratic opponent by 16%, but the demographics of CD 22 are not anywhere near that of CD 22. Talton will have a much harder time convincing voters that he is a moderate. Moderates will be winning in CD 22 for some time to come.
But then stranger things have happened. Some of us remember the 1968 election season when America was presented with “The New Nixon”. A kinder, gentler Tricky Dick. Could it be that Bob Talton’s rift with Tom Craddick, the man he formerly supported, is just the beginning of a newer better version of Bob? “Temperate Talton”?
No slots in 7-11's? Show me where a 7-11 is 1st, THEN we'll talk about slots! LOL As you know, I grew up in CT, where there was a 7-11 on every corner, I come down here and I can't seem to find them anywhere...
Wow. SSG is still operating under the delusion that no one will remember how embarrased people were at her antics during the lame duck session? As you can see I have dismissed her candidacy to such an extent that I didn't even think to include her in the piece.
Nope, back to blackheads for the Shelster.
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