Thursday, April 03, 2008

Jimmy Cancels Out Bill; Bill Erupts on Superdelegates

Of the 796 (or is it 795?) superdelegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, two of them are living Democratic ex-presidents. That would be Bill Clinton, from a state that Hillary Clinton won, and Jimmy Carter, from a state that Barack Obama won.

And now it looks like Jimmy Carter has all but declared his support of Barack Obama, effectively canceling out the presidential vote.

Well that is how I read it. You be the judge. Quoting Jimmy Carter, from CNN:

“My town, which is home to 625 people, is for Obama, my children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama. As a superdelegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for but I leave you to make that guess.”
I never knew that Jimmy Carter could be so mysterious and coy.

So with ex-presidents now evenly split, it looks like it is going to be up to the rest of those undeclared people, my congressman included.

But really, if Bill Clinton is going to be doing any more good for his wife with these superdelegates, he might think about doing some “chilling” of his own. Like when he antagonized a Hillary Clinton (former Bill Richardson) supporter with an alleged red-faced finger-pointing tirade over her ill-received comment vis-à-vis James Carville’s “Judas remark” this past Easter. Here is what happened, from the San Francisco Chronicle:

“Rachel Binah, a former Richardson delegate who now supports Hillary Clinton, told Bill how ‘sorry’ she was to have heard former Clinton campaign manager James Carville call Richardson a "Judas" for backing Obama.”

“It was as if someone pulled the pin from a grenade.”

“‘Five times to my face (Richardson) said that he would never do that,’ a red-faced, finger-pointing Clinton erupted.”

“The former president then went on a tirade that ran from the media's unfair
treatment of Hillary to questions about the fairness of the votes in state caucuses that voted for Obama. It ended with him asking delegates to imagine what the reaction would be if Obama was trailing by just 1 percent and people were telling him to drop out.’”

“‘It was very, very intense,’ said one attendee. ‘Not at all like the Bill of earlier campaigns.’”

My thought is that now that Bill can’t help Hillary Clinton’s cause any more by casting his canceled vote, he might think about not alienating his wife’s declared superdelegates any more than absolutely necessary.

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