Texas CD-22 now has a Democratic candidate, my man Nick Lampson, a Libertarian candidate, Bob Smither, and THREE write-in candidates, Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, Don Richardson and Joe Reasbeck.
Joe Reasbeck?
Well, let's play some catch up first.
First, last night Bob Dunn broke the news about Don Richardson. Yesterday evening he called Richardson on the phone and asked him why his name was still on the write-in candidate list for CD-22. Turns out Don wanted the RNC to put it in writing that they would cough up the promised 3 or is it 4 million dollars to the Sekula-Gibbs campaign, and conpensate him for his filing fee. Then he would remove his name.
This gave the RNC an easy out, because we all knew that they weren't going to pay up. As I noted on a previous posting, the money would be provided with the agreement of the Texas Republican Congressional Delegation (who would rather spend the funds on table dances). Don kept his name on the write-in list and that nixed the deal that never actually existed in the first place.
But at the last minute, a THIRD name appeared on the list of write-in candidates. I was thinking this would happen. What better way to get your 15 minutes of fame than to file as a write-in candidate in this race. All you have to do is come up with the filing fee.
Joe Reasbeck is running for US Congress in Texas CD-22.
No one knows who Joe Reasbeck is. He doesn't have a voting record in Texas. PeopleSearch and ZabaSearch come up with one Joe Reasbeck in the Lake Travis area, and Google just gives you a Wisconsin Joe Reasbeck who rassles and another, or maybe they're the same person because he is from Superior, Wisconsin, who has rather strident views on the Iraq War - ones that make Don Rumsfeld's views positively dovish.
And that's it.
C'mon Joe, call a press conference. Let's get a real feeding frenzy going here.
I spoke with Carol Reasbeck, a former City Council member for the City of Superior, WI, and she confirmed that her son (??? Jodi "Joe" Reasbeck III or IV ???) is running for the TX-22 seat. He grew up in Superior, WI and his fathers name is Joe also. His father is/was a local wrestling coach/gym teacher and I believe he may still be wrestling competitively. The elder Joe has got to be around sixty years old.
I believe the son was a wrestler too. I don’t believe he lived in Superior for long after graduating high school, although he moved back a few years ago for a brief period and opened an upscale bar with his brother Jeff. The bars name (“30 Below”) may have been a premonition as the place quickly went under. It was a nice place, in a tough market.
He has a myspace.com blog. Search his name on that sight and it comes up.
I sure did. It sure did:
Those without myspace.com accounts can use this link:
Joe Reasbeck's myspace profile
Did you see this blog? Apparently this guy writes his own stuff. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=104446238
Absolutely. Either that or he lets his 15 year old nephew write his stuff for him. Hint for Joe: use that spellcheck tool in your word processor. Don’t write directly in the myspace frame. Cut and paste. It saves you from looking like an incompetent with so many spelling errors and grammatical gaffes.
And that’s just surface stuff.
His views on education? All of them? Teach capitalism.
Joe must have lost a few too many wrestling matches.
Well perhaps I was reading quickly but I didn't really notice much in the way of spelling errors. What I did notice was a candidate with a command of a whole host of issues and someone to keep an eye on.
God this is too funny. Anon, you made me go back and look and lo and behold the spelling errors I found were rectified.
Looks like Joe took my advice and spellchecked his page.
It still reads like a teenager wrote it, and believe me, bubba, I have some experience in this.
Anon, you're Joe, right?
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