Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rightwing: He’s Still a Kenyan

Well President Obama caved to the juvenile and inane demands of the far right to produce a “long form” birth certificate and produced his Hawaiian birth certificate earlier today, proving beyond doubt that he is a natural born American citizen.

You would think.

Actually the other thing he proved today is that it never was about whether he is a natural born citizen and not a Kenyan. It never was about that. What it was about is that there are people out there who cannot accept that Barack Hussein Obama is their president, and that a black man lives in the “Whites Only” House.

He also proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was absolutely correct not to produce the birth certificate that they demanded because there was absolutely nothing that this would settle once he did.

Because now, these birthers are singing a new song and its title isn’t “I’m Sorry,” It’s “It’s a Fake.”

From Hotair:President Obama continues to make the mistake that these people are serious doubters, and all they require is serious answers and serious documentation. They. Are. Not. Serious.
“The Smoking Gun expresses some doubts, though these are largely directed at what the site refers to whimsically as the “certers” (the replacement term for “birthers”?)”

“Noting that the document will now receive the same scrutiny as the clearly fabricated Texas Air National Guard memos that ended the career of CBS veteran Dan Rather, the gun points out a few “nutty points about the birth certificate sure to be seized upon by the nonbelievers:”

“Chief among these is the unexplained disparity between the curvature on the left side of the page (seeming to suggests the certificate was taken from a multipage volume) and the unbroken pattern on the green security paper. Shouldn’t the pattern also curve? Is a puzzlement, no?”
President Obama continues to make the mistake that these people are serious doubters, and all they require is serious answers and serious documentation. They. Are. Not. Serious.

They are racists and liars. They will never be silent. They will never give up trying to discredit this man who they revile.

Oh, and by the way, Donald Trump, who famously said that he would produce his tax returns when Obama produced his birth certificate must now make good on his promise, don't you think?

1 comment:

Teddy Wilson said...

You can't convince crazy.