Saturday, May 14, 2011

Osama’s Penchant for Porn

Is anyone surprised at the titillating news of yesterday that the Navy SEAL team that invaded Osama bin Laden’s hiding-in-plain-sight compound recovered a big box of pornographic videos from bin Laden’s bedroom?

Really, what is the difference between this and, say, finding a copy of a Playboy magazine stuffed between the mattress and box spring of a 13 year old boy’s bed.

The whole radical Muslim thing?

All this does is underline how similar we all are. In a time when the radical right beats their chest about how “Islamofascists” are inherently different from Christian evangelicals, I have to just point to Osama’s porn stash as proof in the pudding that there is little difference between us.

As a matter of fact, I would go you one better and say that if you have strong religious feelings to the extent that you want to want to push your belief system on others, the chances are very good that you like to watch videos of naked ladies.

The man may have been a monster who masterminded the deaths of thousands over the past 10 years, but in the end, he was a human man who lived a lie just like the religious sexoholics who currently serve in state legislatures and congress. Just like the evangelicals who pound on the Holy Bible with one hand, and pound on some other thing with the other.

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