Historical documents reveal that John McCain picked Sarah
Palin to be his running mate, but when I heard that news back then, I sat
across a table full of Chinese food, staring at a fellow Democratic activist
all slack-jawed at the news: John McCain, with that one decision, had just
delivered the Presidency to Barack Obama.
And you know, history has a habit of repeating itself.
This morning I woke up to the news that GOP nominee-apparent
Mitt Romney has just named Congressman Paul Ryan (R – STFU, Old Geezers) as his
running mate.
Paul Ryan. He of the “Ryan Budget” no less. He of the
congress that has a sub-freezing public approval rating.
That Paul Ryan.
Remember how I thought that Romney wouldn’t repeat the past
mistakes and nominate a more colorful or controversial person than himself?
Never mind.
What, another gift, GOP? Why…thank you.
But wait, I am being unfair. This is a partnership made in
GOP heaven. Where Mitt Romney has no moral, ethical or political ideals at all,
we have in Paul Ryan an abundance of each. And where all we have in Mitt Romney
is an animal instinct about which political wind to break to at a given moment,
all we have in Paul Ryan is an ideology that would make Ayn Rand absolutely
blush with pride but no political instincts at all.
Back in 2008 I predicted that conservative moderates and Independents
would have major problems with Palin’s quirky politics and philosophies, and this
time, there is more of the same albeit coming from a much calmer and less
shrill voice.
But the big effect is going to be in an age group that may surprisethe GOP. Last time McCain took the senior vote by 4 points over Barack Obama.
This time, with Paul Ryan, his anti-senior anti-medicare budget, and Mitt
Romney’s acquiescence to it we might just see a huge backlash from that
demographic group that the GOP has depended on for decades now.
Seniors are self-interested. Seniors vote.
Take your damn hands off my Medicare.
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