Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ten Million More for Fort Bend ISD?

I’m still skeptical that school districts will see one penny of the $830 million federal education dollars that the US Department of Education recently approved for Texas with the repeal of the Doggett Amendment.

Still skeptical.

Why would Rick Perry alter his MO and do the right thing for Texas public education? Why, when he virtually robbed public education of $3 billion in 2009 in the budget shell game he played with that money.

But according to this article in FortBendNow, the FBISD CFO seems confident that based on the district’s Weighted Average Daily Attendance number, the district should receive ten of that $830 million.

I am the other way, and tend to doubt that the district will see any of that. But if by some remote chance I should be proven to be wrong and the funds come rolling in, then I would like to suggest an answer to what the district CFO doesn’t know the answer to: what to do with that extra funding.

Rehire the RIFed.

Classroom Teachers being the priority.


Marsha said...


I know part of the problem was that the Dems didn't post a school district chart for all to see. I am in the LaMar school district but when I went to vote the electorate had to run my license to see if there was a candidate in my area. There was not any and yet I have at least 2 , maybe 3 LaMar schools within a few blocks from my home.

Hal said...

Sorry Marsha,

You live in Lamar CISD and you have schools within blocks of your home but the district that is represented by your trustee was not up for re-election this year. That happens. In FBISD we all get to vote for area trustees despite where we live. Fancy that. Honestly don't know which system is better.