So much trouble that he has opened a disturbing can of worms
that can only blow up in his face – and that mixed metaphor is truly yucky when
you think about it.
Adam West has a new ad that shows where his political
opponent was the night he was considering a deployment to the battlefield back
when he was an officer in the US military. While he was there on his base
contemplating a year in harm’s way, his opponent, Patrick Murphy, who was 19
years old at the time and still doing young foolish things, was busy getting a
mug shot of himself taken for being drunk and disorderly at a South Beach
Saying…what? Saying that Alan West has the moral high ground
in going to war while his opponent was going to the slammer all those years ago?
Opening up the can of worms, and it is a big can of worms,
about the story that led to the end of West’s military career.
That is, who has the higher moral ground, a drunk 19 year
old or a mid-rank soldier in Iraq who took out his pistol and fired it next to
the ear of a prisoner in an effort to extract information? Who has the
advantage of an upstanding moral character, a 19-year old inebriate, or a
middle aged middle ranked soldier guilty of torture on the battlefield?
And the real beauty of this is that Adam West himself
broached the conversation. He brought it up. Now let him try and finish it
while still standing up.
Yeah, who has the moral high ground -- a drunk 19-year-old or a military officer who saved the lives of his soldiers (at the cost of his own career) without harming the terrorist from whom he got the information? Most Americans believe West deserved a medal for his actions.
You know, especially since the opponent has run a racist ad depicting West as beating up women.
No way! Adam West beats women? If you say so Greg, but you have to admit where there's smoke there's fire. Thanks for pointing that out.
most americans are appulled that he didn't go to jail
You mean about how he beats women? Yeah, me too.
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