Friday, June 18, 2010

Green Old Party Hires Republican Attorney

The Dallas Morning News carried a story yesterday afternoon that the Green Party, henceforth to be known as the Green Old Party for its unholy alliance with the Party of the Dark Side, has hired Andy Taylor (lately of Mayberry, NC?) to represent the Greens in a lawsuit filed by the Texas Democratic Party over a question of the legality of a $200,000 in-kind contribution from an out-of-state Republican operative.

ARMPAC and TRMPAC had puppies, it seems.

Anyway, Wayne Slater reports that Green Party Chair Christine Morshedi has hired Republican attorney Andy Taylor to head up their defense in the TDP suit.

Begging the question: Are there no Green Party lawyers? Or are Green Party lawyers making themselves scarce as the party that paints itself as the true party of goodness and right heads down a dark twisty path, taking a cue from the GOP that any opportunity to win is better than the right thing to do.

Wait it gets better. According to Slater:

“Taylor has a long history working for Republicans. He defended an effort by Tom DeLay to use corporate money to help elect GOP candidates beneficial to Republican redistricting. He has represented several Republican candidates in election cases and was a top aide to then-Attorney General John Cornyn .”

My guess is, is that if they were to poll the Green Party faithful they would find an overwhelming opposition to this unholy alliance. I, personally, would feel utterly slimed by this association.

But then I guess this might just be a measure of just how desperate the Green Party leadership is for some level of legitimacy in Texas. To which I would say why not wait until Texas elects one, just one liberal or left-leaning statewide candidate to office? Because right now, the Green Party’s chances at gaining legitimacy in this state is about as good as a snowball’s chance in Houston (in July).

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