Thursday, March 08, 2012

Texas Voter ID Law May Get the Thumbs Up/Down on Monday

In a series of exchanges between the federal Department of Justice, the Texas Secretary of State, and the Texas Attorney General, we have witnessed an historic fight for the right to vote in Texas.

The Voter ID Law, passed overwhelmingly by a Republican super-majority in the Texas legislature, practically guarantees the disenfranchisement of the elderly, because they have no drivers’ licenses, the poor and minorities.

You know. Democrats.

Based on the false notion that there is widespread voter fraud in the state, Republicans sought to seal their majority for all time by denying traditional Democratic voting blocs of their constitutional right to vote.

Or let me correct myself. Yes there is voter fraud in the state of Texas, but it isn’t being perpetrated by illegal aliens. It is being perpetrated by officials in county elections offices.

The DOJ has had a back and forth with the state for awhile now since the state filed for preclearance per its mandate under the Voting Rights Act, an act that singled out 11 southern states for their past transgressions in denying minorities of their right to vote. And the state keeps shrugging its shoulders saying that they don’t keep the kind of records that the DOJ is asking for. Yes, that and filing suit against the DOJ for denying the state of Texas its sovereign right to conduct its own elections.

Something that as demonstrated in the past that they are singularly unable to do because of past discriminatory policies.

Anyway, another deadline is fast-approaching and on Monday we can finally see the DOJ tell Texas to go to freaking H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks.

Any state that asks as a proof of citizenship that a person produce a conceal-carry gun permit in order to vote is a state that has stacked the deck on the side of the conservative cause, and has done so with a very cavalier attitude. In short, the reason the Voting Rights Act should still be in place today is self-evident in Texas.

They are unremorseful. Reconstruction ended too soon in Texas.

1 comment:

Kenneth D. Franks said...

I'm surprised that I get so few comments on my blog. I posted a link to one of your posts which had several views and no one has commented on either one. Mine or the one I linked to on your blog. I believe that many people will only comment when they can do it when they don't want their identity to be known.