Saturday, August 11, 2007

Justicia, Tierra, y Libertad

My friend Mark pointed to a website that I don’t usually look at. The Late Nite Music Club at “Crooks and Liars”. Why’d he do that? Because last night Rick Noriega “hosted” it. It was such a great story that it bears reposting and repeating for others of us who don’t usually go there.

Basically the purpose of the posting was for Rick to suggest a song that the website would feature that evening. Rick’s choice, after ticking through a few, was Mana’s “Justicia, tierra, y libertad”. “Justice, land and freedom“ to us gringos.

Why this particular one?

“Justicia, Tierra y Libertad” was a song Rick and two other Houston area state reps, Joe E. Moreno and Jessica Farrar, always used to listen to while driving from Houston to Austin during the Tom DeLay redistricting fiasco in the Texas redistricting session.

In the Reps’ own words: “While I was in Afghanistan Joe died in an auto accident. It was like losing a best friend and a brother but I was in a combat zone and couldn’t get back to bury him. This was the song we shared.”

As at Crooks and Liars, the YouTube embed follows Rick’s story.

Now, again, for us gringos, here is a (rather poor) translation of the lyrics. My apologies in advance for butchering up the song with AltaVista’s translation, and my “fixing” it.

Justicia, tierra, y libertad
By Mano

Justice, land and freedom… Justice, land and freedom

You hear my song, óyelo, óyelo
You hear my weeping, óyelo, óyelo

“Brothers and sisters of other races…
of another color and a same heart
"you say and you say and nothing you straighten
for that reason we make the revolution, of love.


We are demanding all the respect
respect for the Indian and his dignity
Villa already said it, Zapata said it

Justice, land and freedom… Justice, land and freedom

You hear my song, óyelo, óyelo
You hear my weeping, óyelo, óyelo

You hear my song, óyelo, óyelo
You hear my weeping, óyelo, óyelo

How we would have freedom?
How we would have dignity?
How I would wish it
How I would wish the love…

When will we have democracy?
When will we knock down the bureaucracy
How much would I wish ?
Less madness and more love…

Love, pain, love, my song hears you.

Justice, land and freedom… Justice, land and freedom

Justice, land and freedom

Rick’s away at Fort Benning for Commander training for awhile. If you liked Rick’s choice go drop a few pesos at this ActBlue web page.

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